Year in Review

As 2022 draws to a close. We reflect on what has been another important year for Hollins Homes in our ambitions to grow as a company.

From a sales completion perspective, this has seen us complete on 68 new homes resulting in a turnover of £18 million. We are still growing as a business which means it is a continuous work in progress and we have made great strides in various areas this year, which will set us up well for the future. There are many positives we can look at:

Sales have achieved a positive sales rate across developments where plots have been available to sell and have performed brilliantly in their extras sold, all surpassing their average target on each site. This is again testament not only to the sales team but also the other departments in carefully selecting what we have to offer to our customers. There are three new Show Homes which will be opened in 2023 which will showcase the careful thought and design concept to help promote the brand to our customers and allow them to personalise their homes in a similar way.

Our Marketing team has worked hard which has seen a further strengthening of our online presence. Our followers increasing to 42,000 from 40,000 and importantly our Brand Awareness performing incredibly strong in comparison to our competitors. On average industry profile impressions reach 25,000 and we have achieved 193,000. It has seen a growth rate of 0.73% against industry growth rate of 0.19%. Our online presence has been refined and tidied up becoming more consistent in our content and presentation. There are plans to continue to build on the back of the strong base we have to promote the business further in 2023 and beyond, so keep your eyes out for these initiatives and keep sharing content.

Owing to our Construction team the homes we continue to build continue to impress not just many of our customers but also the public and competitors. We were shortlisted for an award earlier in the year at The Woodlands and we have since received 3 nominations for the Insider North West Awards in January 2023. This reaffirms that at the heart of everything we do is a real passion and care to build beautiful homes which not only we can be proud of but also our homeowners can be proud of. Which is an integral part of our brand. There will be new strategies in the department to enable us to deliver efficiently, effectively and continue to raise the quality we deliver.

Our Commercial team have been terrific in controlling and monitoring costs across the board in a year which has been increasingly difficult with continued rising costs in the industry. Whether through deals secured, partnerships built, new suppliers and sub-contractor management it has been a great effort.

Turning to the future and from a Development perspective, we have enjoyed another positive year in land acquisitions. In 2023 there will be at least 4 new developments commencing in Lower Bartle, Birch, Chester and Macclesfield.

The above projects will add variety to the brand, further enhance the name in new geographical locations and provide longevity to the business. In addition Outline Planning has been submitted for schemes in Galgate & Hartford and an application will be submitted in the New Year for a potential adjoining phase at Loveclough in Rossendale. A Reserved Matters application is being submitted in January on Adlington.

We have also successfully secured new Option Agreements on a number of sites and are actively working on other deals to further strengthen the pipeline of Hollins Homes.

In 2022 we have welcomed more new faces to the business at various stages throughout the year, in different departments. The team has grown again from 22 to 29 full-time employees strengthening our existing teams skillset further and there are plans to strengthen further in 2023 as we continue to optimise efficiency and output within the business.

A big thank you to all of our suppliers, contractors and consultants who have continued to play an important part in the success of Hollins Homes and we look forward to working with you in the New Year and beyond.

As a business we look forward to 2023 and adapting to new market constraints and regulations whilst completing existing schemes and starting the new ones mentioned above.

Lastly, it is for me to wish everyone a well earned break over the festive period and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Best Wishes,
