Ice Cream on Hollins for Site Teams

As the second heatwave of Summer ‘22 hits the UK, Hollins Homes wanted to show their appreciation for construction teams and tradesmen on site; recognizing their continued efforts through all weathers!

31 degrees isn’t always pleasant when you don’t benefit from an air-conned office, so, in light of the recent extreme temperatures (coined ‘Costa Del North West’ by our Operations Director, Ben Goodman) Hollins arranged for all-you-can-eat free ice cream to be provided at every live site on Friday 12th August, in the peak of the heatwave.

Manchester-based ‘Happy Van’ and ‘Dotty About Ice Cream’ provided award winning ice cream to help cool everyone down.

Residents and site workers tucked in to flake 99’s and ice lollies: see below for the reactions...