Doing our Bit to Help Out our Local Communities

Hollins Homes donated £2000 to two charities in December 2022. Both the RAFT Foundation and St Thomas’ Church offer a foodbank service for their local communities in need.

Food provision has been a particularly prevalent issue, due to the current cost of living crisis, which has sadly forced people to choose between heating and eating.

Here at Hollins, we are keen to do our bit to help out in the communities in which we operate. We are pleased to be supporting both the RAFT Foundation in Rossendale and St Thomas’ Church Food Bank in Garstang.

RAFT Foundation, Rossendale (Close to The Foothills development, Loveclough)

The RAFT Foundation (Resourceful Action for Transformation) is a charity crises foodbank, founded in 2012 to serve and support the community of Rossendale, Lancashire.

“Projects currently include the provision and delivery of an independent 100% volunteer lead and managed foodbank service collecting and delivering to clients’ homes.”

The RAFT Service provides individuals and families with a 7 day parcel containing foods such as fresh fruit and veg, fresh milk or long life products such as cereals, tea, coffee and household cleaning products. Food parcels accommodate allergies, food intolerances, special diets and are even adapted to clients who don’t have cooking facilities.

In response to the current cost of living crisis, RAFT launched a “Keep warm this Winter” project which provides people with blankets, socks, gloves and hats, in addition to a regular food parcel, to see people through the colder months.

St Thomas’ Church Food Bank, Garstang (Close to our Riverside Walk development, Garstang)

St Thomas’ Church is a C of E church in the centre of Garstang. The church has served the local community since 1770 and today helps people in need by operating a small local food bank which runs a regular weekly Food Club.

The Food bank provides a range of varied parcels which include tuna, tinned ham, jars, toilet rolls, wraps, bagels, noodles and apples, for those facing significant hardship.

Food packages help families in need and the elderly who may be isolated and find it difficult to access basic provisions.

Should you like to make a donation yourself, the church provides a plastic donations box outside the parish hall next to the Church. Here you can leave food and basic household items which will help to support those most in need.


St Thomas’ Church [Welcome - St Thomas’ Church (]

RAFT Foundation Rossendale [ Raft Foundation ]